Title: Gardnerella vaginalis Bacteremia in a Man with Prostatic Adenoma
Abstract:syndrome; nevertheless, a direct toxic effect of Shiga toxin on the renal vasculature or on coagulation mechanisms or a Schwartzmanlike reaction is thought to be responsible for the disease [8][9][10]...syndrome; nevertheless, a direct toxic effect of Shiga toxin on the renal vasculature or on coagulation mechanisms or a Schwartzmanlike reaction is thought to be responsible for the disease [8][9][10].We are unable to explain why our patient developed glomerulonephritis whereas innumerable others with Shigellainfection, at least some of whom have presumably had high levels of circulating immune complexes, have not developed recognizable renal disease.He had no known predisposing host factors, such as a personal or family history of renal disease or untoward reactions to minor illnesses or medications (which he rarely took), and the Shigella isolated from his feces wasindistinguishablefrom other S. fiexneriin its outer membrane protein or lipopolysaccharide components.Read More