Title: Intangible Assets and Competitive Advantage in Retail: Case Study from Russia
Abstract:The article focuses on the ways effective intangible assets management helps the leading Russian food retailers derive ancillary competitive advantages. Analysis and assessment of intangible assets ef...The article focuses on the ways effective intangible assets management helps the leading Russian food retailers derive ancillary competitive advantages. Analysis and assessment of intangible assets effectiveness (which is considered to be a source of retailer competitive advantages) include analysis of intangible assets as a part of company assets, analysis of intangible assets effectiveness using conventional indicators, valuation of intangible assets and business, analysis of private labels, and analysis of intangible assets franchising. As a result we have formulated characteristic features of formation of Russian retailers competitive advantages when using intangible assets in the process of operating activities (including the management of private labels), in franchising, as well as in the intangible assets accounting policy and management of the market value of the business. The findings of this research can be employed by retailers in actual practice of intangible assets management to achieve and maintain a high level of competitiveness.Read More