Title: Nice point sets can have nasty Delaunay triangulations
Abstract:We consider the complexity of Delaunay triangulations of sets of point s in $\Real^3$ under certain practical geometric constraints. The \emph{spread} of a set of points is the ratio between the longe...We consider the complexity of Delaunay triangulations of sets of point s in $\Real^3$ under certain practical geometric constraints. The \emph{spread} of a set of points is the ratio between the longest and shortest pairwise distances. We show that in the worst case, the Delaunay triangulation of $n$ points in~$\Real^3$ with spread $\Delta$ has complexity $\Omega(\min\set{\Delta^3, n\Delta, n^2})$ and $O(\min\set{\Delta^4, n^2})$. For the case $\Delta = \Theta(\sqrt{n})$, our lower bound construction consists of a uniform sample of a smooth convex surface with bounded curvature. We also construct a family of smooth connected surfaces such that the Delaunay triangulation of any good point sample has near-quadratic complexity.Read More