Title: Summing up non-anticommutative Kähler potential
Abstract:We offer a simple non-perturbative formula for the component action of a generic N=1/2 supersymmetric chiral model in terms of an arbitrary number of chiral superfields in four dimensions, which is ob...We offer a simple non-perturbative formula for the component action of a generic N=1/2 supersymmetric chiral model in terms of an arbitrary number of chiral superfields in four dimensions, which is obtained by the Non-Anti-Commutative (NAC) deformation of a generic four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric non-linear sigma-model described by arbitrary Kaehler superpotential and scalar superpotential. The auxiliary integrations responsible for fuzziness are eliminated in the case of a single chiral superfield. The scalar potential in components is derived by eliminating the auxiliary fields. The NAC-deformation of the CP(1) Kaehler non-linear sigma-model with an arbitrary scalar superpotential is calculated as an example.Read More