Title: Catches characteristics between fishing area and non-fishing area in the shrimp beam trawl of Geoje waters, Korea
Abstract:Experimental fishing was carried out to compare and analyze catch characteristics of shrimp beam trawl in a fishing area and a non-fishing area during the period of fishing season and off-fishing seas...Experimental fishing was carried out to compare and analyze catch characteristics of shrimp beam trawl in a fishing area and a non-fishing area during the period of fishing season and off-fishing season in the coastal waters of Geoje. A commercial fishing boat (4.99 tons) was used for the test fishing. The amount of total catches were 14,654g in the fishing area and 12,359g in the non-fishing area, shrimp catches of non-fishing area were much greater than that of the fishing area during the period of off-fishing season (June and August). However, total catches were 27,670g in the fishing area and 33,004g in the non-fishing area, shrimp catches of fishing area were bigger than that of non-fishing area during the period of fishing season (October and December). On the results of the study, catches characteristics between fishing area and non-fishing area showed the reversed results for the period of fishing season and off-fishing season.Read More