Title: Entanglement and spin-squeezing properties for three bosons in two modes
Abstract:We discuss the canonical form for a pure state of three identical bosons in two modes, and classify its entanglement correlation into two types, the analogous GHZ and the W types as well known in a sy...We discuss the canonical form for a pure state of three identical bosons in two modes, and classify its entanglement correlation into two types, the analogous GHZ and the W types as well known in a system of three distinguishable qubits. We have performed a detailed study of two important entanglement measures for such a system, the concurrence $\mathcal{C}$ and the triple entanglement measure $\tau$. We have also calculated explicitly the spin squeezing parameter $\xi$ and the result shows that the W state is the most ``anti-squeezing'' state, for which the spin squeezing parameter cannot be regarded as an entanglement measure.Read More