Title: Fascist Imaginaries and Clandestine Critiques: Young Hindi Film Viewers Respond to Violence, Xenophobia and Love in Cross-border Romances
Abstract:Tarang: I've watched Hindi films all my life.My mom and nani made me when I was little, to learn Hindi.I saw all the old films with the Kapoors and Mr. Bachchan, and all Shah-Rukh Kajol, Aamir-Juhi lo...Tarang: I've watched Hindi films all my life.My mom and nani made me when I was little, to learn Hindi.I saw all the old films with the Kapoors and Mr. Bachchan, and all Shah-Rukh Kajol, Aamir-Juhi love stories, but I never watched the ones on India-Pakistan.I mean I liked them very much for the songs, but that is all.Shaku: The songs?Are there any in particular?Tarang: So many! [pause] Every song in the film Main Hoon Na is just great!But that isn't truly one of 'those' films.Few years back we watched Gadar -maybe a movie not many people here would see.I cried in front of my mom when they are driving in the truck you know?He is taking her to the border.It was so sad, like when my mom takes my nani to the airport and we all feel we may not see her again.The songs were sad, colourful and er full of passion.But the film was bad.It really made me angry.Stirring up bad feelings on all sides like Fox news!Just ridiculous.Shaku: Where are your parents from, actually?Tarang:Read More