Title: Las ideas económicas de los ingenieros de caminos: la Revista de Obras Públicas (1853–1936)
Abstract:The Revista de Obras Públicas was born as a mean of expression of the Civil Engineer Corps. It was not only one of the most important Spanish technical publications of the second half of the 19th cent...The Revista de Obras Públicas was born as a mean of expression of the Civil Engineer Corps. It was not only one of the most important Spanish technical publications of the second half of the 19th century and the first third of the 20th century, but also a privileged forum for debating about two fundamental public policies in which engineers played a leading role: the hydraulic and the railway policies. Moreover, the Revista contributed —direct or indirectly— to the spread of ideas linked to the “escuela economista” and the Paretian Microeconomics. It gave even the opportunity to discuss certain questions concerned with Applied Economics, such as the economic crisis of the thirties.Read More