Title: Autonomic nervous contributions to the frequency of distension induced gastric motility in anesthetized dogs.
Abstract:Changes in gastric motility induced by distension of the stomach were studied electromyographically in anesthetized dogs. In vagotomized dogs, gastric distension decreased the electrical control activ...Changes in gastric motility induced by distension of the stomach were studied electromyographically in anesthetized dogs. In vagotomized dogs, gastric distension decreased the electrical control activity (ECA) frequency. The magnitude of this decrease was correlated with the degree of gastric distension; its' frequency decreased from 4.7 to 3.5 Hz/min with 400 ml distension. In splanchnicectomized dogs, 400 ml gastric distension also evoked a decrease in ECA frequency from 3.9 to 2.9 Hz/min. In vagotomized and spinal transected dogs, 400 ml distension of the stomach evoked a decrease in ECA frequency from 4.3 to 3.4 Hz/min. In the vagotomized and splanchnicectomized dogs, ECA frequency decreased from 5.0 to 3.4 Hz/min with 400 ml distension. These values were similar to those of the intact stomach previously reported. The results of the present study suggest that the extrinsic autonomic nervous system does not contribute significantly to regulation of the ECA frequency following gastric distension in anesthetized dogs.Read More