Title: The Early Impact program: An early intervention and prevention program for children and families at-risk of conduct problems.
Abstract:The Early Impact (EI) program is an early intervention and prevention program for reducing the incidence of conduct problems in pre-school aged children. The EI intervention framework is ecological in...The Early Impact (EI) program is an early intervention and prevention program for reducing the incidence of conduct problems in pre-school aged children. The EI intervention framework is ecological in design and includes universal and indicated components. This paper delineates key principles and associated strategies that underpin the EI program. Discussion emphasises the mutual interplay between the universal and indicated components of the intervention design and risk and protective factors associated with pre-school aged children and families at-risk of dysfunctional behavior. This preventative approach is consistent with the literature that emphasises the significance of early intervention and prevention strategies for children with conduct problems that are ecological in breadth and that target risk factors at the home and school level.Read More