Title: Is it possible to see through a cataractous lens?
Abstract:Cataract increases light scatter in the lens and reduces the contrast in the retinal images severely degrading vision. The current solution is to perform surgery to remove the natural lens that is sub...Cataract increases light scatter in the lens and reduces the contrast in the retinal images severely degrading vision. The current solution is to perform surgery to remove the natural lens that is substituted by an intraocular lens. This is a successful procedure restoring good quality of vision in most patients. However, in many situations it would be incredible advantageous to actually “see” through a cataractous eye. I would address several options based in the use of spatial and temporal photonics techniques for imaging through the turbid media of the cataractous eye. There are two possible applications: a fundus camera to register images of the retina in patients affected by cataracts and opto-electronics spectacles to restore some vision in cataract patients.Read More