Title: Functional insights into long antisense noncoding RNA<i>Kcnq1ot1</i>mediated bidirectional silencing
Abstract:AbstractThe prevailing view has been that noncoding antisense RNA primarily regulates the transcriptional activity of its sense counterpart, however, a subset of long noncoding antisense RNAs, such as...AbstractThe prevailing view has been that noncoding antisense RNA primarily regulates the transcriptional activity of its sense counterpart, however, a subset of long noncoding antisense RNAs, such as Kcnq1ot1 and Air, have been shown to regulate the transcriptional silencing of multiple genes spread over several hundred kilobases on either side of their promoters. It is however unknown how these long RNAs regulate the transcriptional silencing of multiple genes. Our recent work demonstrated through exploiting an episomal-based system that the Kcnq1ot1 RNA harbors a silencing domain at its 5Read More