Title: New graminicolous rust fungi,<i>Puccinia rara</i>sp. nov. and<i>P. polypogonobia</i>sp. nov.
Abstract:Abstract Two species of rust fungi from New Zealand, Puccinia rara sp. nov. on Dich elachne spp. and P. polypogonobia sp. nov. on Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf., are described. Keywords: Uredinale...Abstract Two species of rust fungi from New Zealand, Puccinia rara sp. nov. on Dich elachne spp. and P. polypogonobia sp. nov. on Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf., are described. Keywords: Uredinales Puccinia rara sp. nov. Puccinia polypogonobia sp. nov.graminicolous fungidescriptionsillustrationsRead More