Title: Continuous Sorption and Desorption of Organic Sorbent Powder in Two Connected Fluidized Beds
Abstract:A continuous circulating of sorbent powder for sorption and desorption process in two connected fluidized beds has been developed. Two fluidized beds are arranged next to each other and connected by s...A continuous circulating of sorbent powder for sorption and desorption process in two connected fluidized beds has been developed. Two fluidized beds are arranged next to each other and connected by spiral tubes. The experiments were carried out under the various conditions such as air velocity, desorption air temperature, and sorbent powder circulation rate. Sorption and desorption characteristics of sorbent powder of the organic sorption materials show that sorption and desorption performance promoted by increasing air velocity and desorption air temperature. It was found that the spiral revolution speed has optimal value on the humidification. Furthermore, the non-dimensional correlation equations were obtained for water vapor mass transfer under sorption and desorption process in terms of relevant non-dimensional parameters.Read More