Title: A new larval host record for Sphingomorpha chlorea (Cramer) (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) from Karnataka, India
Abstract:Sphingomorpha chlorea (Cramer, 1777) is a widespread noctuid, known to occur over most of the mainland Old World Tropics.It belongs to a group of moths that are known to indulge in the habit of fruit ...Sphingomorpha chlorea (Cramer, 1777) is a widespread noctuid, known to occur over most of the mainland Old World Tropics.It belongs to a group of moths that are known to indulge in the habit of fruit piercing, a practice that causes considerable damage to orchards in Southeast Asia and Africa.In addition to its fondness for fruit on the tree, it is also attracted to fermented fruit, beer, spirits and other sources of sugars.As a result, it is called the Sundowner Moth and the Banana Hawk in parts of Africa.The moth is of minor importance to agriculture on account of its abovementioned habits.Besides this, the larva is eaten in many parts of its African range.Unlike other edible larvae, it is not an article of commerce since it loses flavour when it is dried.Hence, it is eaten fresh in rural areas where it occursRead More