Title: The Trend in Fishery Household Income Inequality and Its Gini Factor Decomposition
Abstract:This study examines trends in the overall income inequality of fishery household from 2003 to 2012 with the panel data of the Fishery Household Economy Survey. To investigate the potential determinant...This study examines trends in the overall income inequality of fishery household from 2003 to 2012 with the panel data of the Fishery Household Economy Survey. To investigate the potential determinants of income inequality, we decomposes the Gini coefficients into five income sources, fishery income, non-fishery income(non-fishery business income, non-business income), transfer income, irregular income and calculate the impact of each income sources on total income inequality. An evident trend toward increasing inequality of household income was found. Also, we find rising fishery income and non-fishery income play important role in the rapid increase of income inequality. Only transfer income appear to reduce total income inequality.Read More