Title: Cytological investigations of some polypetalous plants from District Sirmaur of Himachal Pradesh in the Western Himalayas, India
Abstract:As a part of our programme to explore and evaluate genetic diversity of flowering plants of Western Himalayas, at present 180 species of Polypetalae have been cytologically worked out for the first ti...As a part of our programme to explore and evaluate genetic diversity of flowering plants of Western Himalayas, at present 180 species of Polypetalae have been cytologically worked out for the first time from District Sirmaur of Himachal Pradesh in the Western Himalayas. New/ varied chromosome numbers are recorded for 37 species (39 cytotypes) belonging to 25 genera of 15 families of polypetalous plants. The taxa being cytologically worked out for the first time on world-wide basis include eight species as Caltha alba (2n=32), Corydalis ramosa (2n=16), Geum elatum (2n=28), Heracleum canescens (2n=22), Pleurospermum brunonis (2n=22), Rhodiola wallichiana (2n=28), Saxifraga parnassifolia (2n=16), and Stellaria semivestita (2n=26). New intraspecific cytoypes have been recorded at present against previously known cytotypes of some soecies on world-wide basis in case of 15 species as, Cassia mimosoides var. wallichiana (2n=32), Duchesnea indica (2n = 28), Geum roylei (2n=28), Impatiens bicornuta (2n=14), I. laxiflora (2n=14, 16), Nasturtium officinale (2n=16), Pimpinella acuminata (2n=18), Potentilla atrosanguinea (2n=28), P. gerardiana (2n=28), Sibbaldia cuneata (2n=28), Sibbaldia micropetala (2n=14, 28), Sida cordifolia (2n=16), Saxifraga diversifolia (2n=16), Stellaria monosperma (2n=26) and Stellaria media (2n=26), Likewise, ten species have been cytologically worked out for the first time from India as: Berberis vulgaris (2n=28), Bergenia ciliata (2n=34), Chaerophyllum aromaticum (2n=22), Epilobium palustre (2n=36), Geranium ocellatum (2n=36), Potentilla argyrophylla (2n=56), Saxifraga brunonis (2n=16), Saxifraga sibirica (2n=16), Sedum multicaule (2n=28), and Thalictrum minus (2n=14) . Moreover for 4 species, varied cytotypes are being reported on India basis as: Potentilla kleiniana (2n=14), Sida cordata (2n=16) Silene vulgaris (2n=48), and Trifolium repens (2n=16).Read More