Title: Self- and mutual radiation resistance measurement by use of the sound intensity technique
Abstract:Radiated sound power from sources can be measured by use of the sound intensity technique. The radiated power is obtained by integrating the normal intensity over the surface surrounding a sound sourc...Radiated sound power from sources can be measured by use of the sound intensity technique. The radiated power is obtained by integrating the normal intensity over the surface surrounding a sound source. Since the total radiated power from sound sources is determined by self- and mutual radiation resistances, it is possible to determine the radiation resistances from the measurement of radiated power. For a sound reinforcement system, it is useful to know the radiation resistances of loud speakers in a listening room. Acknowledge of self- and mutual radiation resistances is also important for an active sound power or noise control. As an example, self- and mutual radiation resistances of two closely located loudspeakers measured in lecture room are presented. Due to reflections, the resistance curve of a piston in an infinite baffle. The effect of the loudspeaker placement on the self and mutual resistances is very significant.Read More