Title: Emotion Recognition and Depression Diagnosis by Acoustic and Visual Features
Abstract:There is an enormous number of potential applications of the system which is capable to recognize human emotions. Such opportunity can be useful in various applications, e.g., improvement of Spoken Di...There is an enormous number of potential applications of the system which is capable to recognize human emotions. Such opportunity can be useful in various applications, e.g., improvement of Spoken Dialogue Systems (SDSs) or monitoring agents in call-centers. Depression is another aspect of human beings which is closely related to emotions. The system, that can automatically diagnose patient's depression can be helpful to physicians in order to support their decisions and avoid critical mistakes. Therefore, the Affect and Depression Recognition Sub-Challenges (ASC and DSC correspondingly) of the second combined open Audio/Visual Emotion and Depression recognition Challenge (AVEC 2014) is focused on estimating emotions and depression. This study presents the results of multimodal affect and depression recognition based on four different segmentation methods, using support vector regression. Furthermore, a speaker identification procedure has been introduced in order to build the speaker-specific emotion/depression recognition systems.Read More