Title: The ERJ in its 21st year of age: a smooth transition for an everlasting evolution
Abstract:Starting a new job has never been an easy task. It is even more difficult to continue an enterprise initiated 20 yrs ago 1, which has then been progressively built upon throughout the years by previou...Starting a new job has never been an easy task. It is even more difficult to continue an enterprise initiated 20 yrs ago 1, which has then been progressively built upon throughout the years by previous Editorial Boards 2–7, and finally strengthened in such a masterful manner by our predecessors 8. But the advantage of having such a strong heritage is that it offers abundant resources 9, for which we are most grateful to the previous joint European Respiratory Journal ( ERJ ) Chief Editors, Peter J. Sterk and Klaus F. Rabe. By firmly establishing the ERJ among the top journals in the respiratory field 8, 9, they have clearly indicated the way for us, and the new Editorial team, to drive the ERJ forward and provide a constantly improving service for the international respiratory community. Before commencing on this journey, which we will continue for the next 4 yrs, let us have a look back at the paths that have led the ERJ to reach its …Read More