Title: Storage Stability and Color Reproducibility of Yellow and Red Dyes Extracted from Carthamus tinctorius L.
Abstract:The stability of yellow and red dyes prepared from safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in aqueous solution and in solid state was investigated. External factors such as light irradiation and temperatu...The stability of yellow and red dyes prepared from safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in aqueous solution and in solid state was investigated. External factors such as light irradiation and temperature on the stability were examined during storage. Changes in absorbance of dye solutions and the color changes of fabrics dyed after long time storage were measured. Also, color reproducibility during storage was investigated by dyeing test on various fabrics. Red colorant in aqueous solution was very unstable to light, resulting that about 40% of absorbance were lost in 12hrs. The absorbance of yellow dye solutions was not decreased within 84hrs. In aqueous medium, yellow dye was much more stable than carthamin. Both dyes are relatively stable for long storage when they are stored in solid state compared to when in aqueous solution. Color changes are marginal in both dyes.Read More