Title: Book review: Rob Konings, Hugo Priemus and Peter Nijkamp (2008) The Future of Intermodal Freight Transport Operations, Design and Policy
Abstract:In another recent book review published in the European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, David Banister (2008) wrote “Having read this book, one is left with a feeling that the import...In another recent book review published in the European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, David Banister (2008) wrote “Having read this book, one is left with a feeling that the important issues raised should have been at the forefront of policy debates for many decades, not just now”. I have to confess that I have exactly the same feeling after having read “The Future of Intermodal Freight Transport”. Indeed, this book explores the important challenge of increasing the scope of intermodal freight transport, and I remember the same question was already an issue in the 80', when I was a young researcher. This reflection, however, does not affect the overall quality of this book.Read More