Title: Development of Smartphone Application for Monitoring Container Cargo
Abstract:Most of monitoring systems in logistics industry have limitations on monitoring container information in real-time. And customers only could check information gathered from certain points through web ...Most of monitoring systems in logistics industry have limitations on monitoring container information in real-time. And customers only could check information gathered from certain points through web browser. That is why it is very hard to take actions in advance when emergency situation has happened. But if customers could check information such as position and status of freight in real-time through their mobile devices, they could take prompt actions. So, in this study, mobile application based on mobile devices is developed to monitor position and status information of the container in real-time. Entire devices monitoring container in aspect of logistics security are handled by workers in the field. So it is strongly required to develop monitoring system operated in mobile devices. For that reason this study aims to develop mobile application in order to monitor information related to container security and safety in real-time.Read More