Title: Analysis of Scenic Perception and Its Spatial Tendency: Using Digital Cameras, GPS loggers, and GIS
Abstract:Visitor-employed photography has been used to analyze scenic perceptions with visitors' on-site experiences. This study conducted an experiment at Hibiya Park in Tokyo, Japan using the visitor-employe...Visitor-employed photography has been used to analyze scenic perceptions with visitors' on-site experiences. This study conducted an experiment at Hibiya Park in Tokyo, Japan using the visitor-employed photography (VEP) method and applied a spatial analysis approach. A digital camera and GPS logger were used to extract the photographs of preferred scenery and the locations photographed by participants. Kernel density estimation was applied to estimate the density of photo-taking locations. Moreover, we classified the photographs into nine categories, and the distribution of each was visualized. As a result, the spatial potential of the places that interest many participants was quantifiably measured.Read More