Title: Native Woody Plants Diversity and Density under <i>Eucalyptus camaldulensis</i> Plantation, in Gibie Valley, South Western Ethiopia
Abstract:The aim of the study was to assess the impact of E. camaldulensis plantation established in a semi-arid area on native woody plants diversity and density. Nested quadrant plot design, having an area o...The aim of the study was to assess the impact of E. camaldulensis plantation established in a semi-arid area on native woody plants diversity and density. Nested quadrant plot design, having an area of 15 m × 15 m used to collect data. Totally, 37 species at the plantation and 30 species at the native woodland, belonging to 24 families, identified. Species diversity (H′) was 1.57 at the plantation and 2.09 at the woodland forest. As for density of understory woody plants (height ≥ 1 m) the plantation forest harbored 6, 604 stems/ha while the native woodland had 7, 347 stems/ha. Seedling density (height Dodonaea angustifolia and other native species important for soil conservation, timber, bee forage and medicinal use.Read More