Title: Comment on “High‐energy tail distributions and resonant wave particle interaction” By M. P. Leubner
Abstract:Leubner [1983] has addressed the interesting frequency is (0 = (0o + i7, then the expression for problem of the effect on the resonant growth of the normalized wave growth rate 7 is plasma waves by hi...Leubner [1983] has addressed the interesting frequency is (0 = (0o + i7, then the expression for problem of the effect on the resonant growth of the normalized wave growth rate 7 is plasma waves by high-energy particles in the tail of the particle distribution.He tackled this by {•[ ) •[ (xx)} / use of a "two-temperature kappa" or bi-Lorenzian iX_ = •(1 +x) 2 •+ _•x _ •-+ l'-•x distribution •+ 1 + x N F(•+ 1) 3/2 2 )f3/2 OoeO, F(•-1/2) 1 2 2 •+1 [1+ (v,,1E0,,) + (v l/•01) ](1) F -Read More