Title: Phylogenetic Inference in Saxifragaceae Sensu Stricto and Gilia (Polemoniaceae) Using matK Sequences
Abstract:matK SEQUENCES'the [iast decade.These approaches have pro-, en extremely useful in addressing a broad range of -\stematic and e\ olntionarv questions at all levels ill laxuniimic hierarchy.Of these ap...matK SEQUENCES'the [iast decade.These approaches have pro-, en extremely useful in addressing a broad range of -\stematic and e\ olntionarv questions at all levels ill laxuniimic hierarchy.Of these approaches, comparative sequencing of chloroplast, as well as nu clear, genes has become particularly popular in recent years, due in large part to the relative ease of generating sequences and the unamhigml\ <>l the data.The large number ul recent systematic -indies employing sequencing "I the chlompla-t gene rbcL attests to the enormous phylogenetic potential of comparative sequem ing (e.Read More