Title: Contaminant impact on interactions of molecular probes with lysosomes in living hepatocytes from dab Limanda limanda
Abstract:During the Bremerhaven Workshop, effects of contaminants along a well characterised North Sea contaminant gradient heading northwest of the port of Bremerhaven in the German Bight were determined in d...During the Bremerhaven Workshop, effects of contaminants along a well characterised North Sea contaminant gradient heading northwest of the port of Bremerhaven in the German Bight were determined in dab Limanda lirnanda using i n vitro techniques on isolated hepatocytes.Results demonstrated that lysosomal membrane integrity was impaired following contaminant exposure which resulted in an inability to retain the supravital dye neutral red and in reduced lysosomal uptake of the fluorescent probe acridine orange.There was an improvement in the condition of exposed hepatocytes in samples taken further offshore, and away from the source of the contaminant, however, this trend was reversed in samples taken from the furthermost station on the northeast tail of the Dogger Bank.These findings are related to the histopathological evidence of abnormal lysosomal enlargement and disturbance of liver cell structure.Read More