Title: Nico Schulenkorf, and Daryl Adair (eds), Global Sport-for-development: Critical Perspectives. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pp280, £65, ISBN 9781137289629
Abstract:Schulenkorf and Adair’s edited collection, Global Sport-for-development: Critical Perspectives, commences with what has become a commonplace, but still apposite, recognition of the increasing use o......Schulenkorf and Adair’s edited collection, Global Sport-for-development: Critical Perspectives, commences with what has become a commonplace, but still apposite, recognition of the increasing use o...Read More
Publication Year: 2015
Publication Date: 2015-04-03
Language: en
Type: article
Indexed In: ['crossref']
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Cited By Count: 1
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