Title: Harmonic maps into Lie groups: classical solutions of the chiral model
Abstract:PART 1 2 1. Basic formulas and characteristic notation 2 2. The canonical associated linear problem or Lax pair 5 3.The Dolan representation 8 4. The variation formulas for the extended solution 12 5....PART 1 2 1. Basic formulas and characteristic notation 2 2. The canonical associated linear problem or Lax pair 5 3.The Dolan representation 8 4. The variation formulas for the extended solution 12 5.The representation of $/ (S 2 , G) on holomorphic maps C* -• G 14 6.The representation of J#k(S 2 , G) on extended harmonic maps and Backlund transformations 20 7. The additional S ι action 23 8. Harmonic maps into Grassmannians 24 PART II 27 9.The single uniton 27 10.The fixed points of the S ι action 31 11.Global conservation laws and finiteness 35 12. Adding a uniton by singular Backlund transformation 37 13.The minimal uniton number 40 14.The unique factorization theorem 42 15.Complex Grassmannian manifolds again 45 16.Additional questions and problems 47Read More