Title: Observations on the biology of <i>Deinacrida connectens</i> (Orthoptera: Stenopelmatidae), an alpine weta
Abstract:Abstract Live Deinacrida connectens from New Zealand’s South Island were studied in captivity for up to 5 months. Adult females were significantly (P<0.01) larger than adult males. Sample populations ...Abstract Live Deinacrida connectens from New Zealand’s South Island were studied in captivity for up to 5 months. Adult females were significantly (P<0.01) larger than adult males. Sample populations from three mountain ranges differed in head capsule coloration, the extent of red coloration on the pronotum, the ground colour of the abdomen, and the banding pattern on abdominal tergites; at least four colour varieties must exist. The nightly activity period was characterised by feeding, perching behaviour, and agonistic behaviour which resulted in the spacing out of individuals. Sexual behaviour is described and compared to that of other species of Deinacrida and of the tree wetas Hemideina spp. The roles of the males of these genera are compared. In contrast to male sexual behaviour in Hemideina spp., that in D. connectens lacks an acoustic repertoire and aggression towards conspecific males. Keywords: OrthopteraStenopelmatidae Deinacrida connectens biologybehaviourvariation HemideinaRead More