Title: VI.—The Pycnogonida of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition
Abstract:I am greatly indebted to Dr W. S. Bruce, the able leader of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition, for the opportunity to describe the Scotia collections as regards the Pycnogonida and the Isopod...I am greatly indebted to Dr W. S. Bruce, the able leader of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition, for the opportunity to describe the Scotia collections as regards the Pycnogonida and the Isopoda. We are now concerned with the Pycnogonida, and I regret that there has been so much delay before the production of the report. The collection is a large one, and extremely interesting—totally different from that made by the Discovery in the same region, but on the opposite side of the world. If smaller in the number of species brought home, in number of individuals it far exceeds that collection. Its principal interest lies in problems of distribution.Read More