Title: Palynomorphological study of primrose (Primula vulgaris Huds.) grown in natural reserve Obedska bara (Serbia)
Abstract:The pollen morphology of primrose (Primula vulgaris, fam. Primulaceae) has been investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy to contribute to melissopalynological studies of honeys origin...The pollen morphology of primrose (Primula vulgaris, fam. Primulaceae) has been investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy to contribute to melissopalynological studies of honeys originating from the native apiflora. Palynomorphological investigation included the examination of pollen symmetry, polarity, ornamentation, aperturation, shape and size. The pollen grains are isopolar, radially symmetric and shed as monads. The exine ornamentation is reticulate. Analysis of pollen morphometric characteristics revealed that grains are small to medium size and prolate in shape. Given the aperturation, the number of colpi was mostly variable among individuals with a different type of flower ranging from 6 to 9.Read More