Title: Prof. Tatsuro Matsumoto’s contribution to the development of sedimentology in Japan
Abstract:Sedimentology had been developed in Japan, as in Europe, from the 1950s, though the term “taisekigaku” (sedimentology in English) was proposed in Japan by Prof. T. Yagi as early as in 1929 (Okada with...Sedimentology had been developed in Japan, as in Europe, from the 1950s, though the term “taisekigaku” (sedimentology in English) was proposed in Japan by Prof. T. Yagi as early as in 1929 (Okada with Kenyon-Smith, 2005). For the actual development of sedimentology in Japan, Prof. T. Matsumoto, Professor Emeritus of Kyushu University and Member of the Japan Academy, has made a great contribution to the sedimentology, in addition to his works as a worldwide palaeontologist for Cretaceous ammonites.Read More