Title: Did the Buddha Speak P&#257;li? An Investigation of The <i>Buddha-Vacana</i> and Origins of P&#257;li
Abstract:Traditionally South and Southeast Buddhism, which we now call Theravada Buddhism, claims that the language of the Buddha is "Pali" and hence the language of their sacred texts (Tipitaka=three canons)....Traditionally South and Southeast Buddhism, which we now call Theravada Buddhism, claims that the language of the Buddha is "Pali" and hence the language of their sacred texts (Tipitaka=three canons). In this essay, I investigate the notion of the Pali language by reconstructing existing Pali literatures and contemporary works on Pali studies. Among other issues, this investigation explores the following issues: the language (vacana) of the Buddha, the multilingualism and geopolitics, the home of Pali, and the origination of Pali. Key words: Buddhism; Pali language; Pali literaturesDOI: 10.3329/dujl.v2i4.6899Dhaka University Journal of Linguistics Vol.2(4) August 2009 pp.43-57Read More