Title: Variations of the celiac trunk and its branches associated with the shift of vascular hilum (porta hepatis) of the liver
Abstract:The knowledge of vascular variations, like other anatomical variations, is important during the operative, diagnostic and endovascular procedures in abdomen. This report describes variations in the ce...The knowledge of vascular variations, like other anatomical variations, is important during the operative, diagnostic and endovascular procedures in abdomen. This report describes variations in the celiac trunk and abnormal entry of hepatic arteries into the liver as found during routine dissection in approximately 65 years old female cadaver. The celiac trunk was two inches long and gave 2 inferior phrenic arteries, a left gastric artery, and then bifurcated into a splenic and a common hepatic artery. The common hepatic artery gave rise to left hepatic artery, which entered the liver through fissure for ligamentum venosum. The common hepatic artery then divided into right hepatic and gastroduodenal arteries. The cystic artery was a branch of the left hepatic artery. The porta hepatis of the liver was situated on the right side of the caudate lobe.The knowledge of variation reported here is important during endovascular procedures, cholecystectomy and liver transplantation from the living donors (Fig. 2, Ref. 18).Read More