Title: Wood anatomy of Krameriaceae with comparisons with Zygophyllaceae: phylesis, ecology and systematics
Abstract:Wood of nine species of Krameria (including all clades proposed within the genus) reveals a few characters related to infrageneric systematics; most relate primarily to ecology and habit. Wood of Kram...Wood of nine species of Krameria (including all clades proposed within the genus) reveals a few characters related to infrageneric systematics; most relate primarily to ecology and habit. Wood of Krameria closely fits quantitative data reported for desert shrubs. Lack of vessel grouping correlates with the presence of densely pitted tracheids. Wood xeromorphy in Krameria may relate in part to hemiparasitism. Tracheid presence may also account for relatively low vessel density. Wood anatomy of six species of Zygophyllaceae (including both genera of Morkillioideae) is compared with that of Krameriaceae because recent phylogenies propose that these two families comprise the order Zygophyllales. Several wood characters appear to represent synapomorphies reflecting this relationship. Differences in wood anatomy between Krameriaceae and Zygophyllaceae are believed to represent autapomorphies. Notable among these include Paedomorphic Type II rays (Krameriaceae), storying (Zygophyllaceae), presence of vestured pits (Zygophyllaceae), and differentiation into vasicentric tracheids and fibre-tracheids (Zygophyllaceae). The latter feature is referable to the concept of fibre-tracheid dimorphism. Recognition of Krameriaceae as separate from Zygophyllaceae is supported by wood characters. Wood of Zygophyllales does not conflict with the idea that the order belongs to rosids, with Malpighiaceae as the outgroup of Zygophyllales.Read More