Title: Adaptive Bitonic Sorting: An Optimal Parallel Algorithm for Shared-Memory Machines
Abstract:A parallel algorithm, called adaptive bitonic sorting, that runs on a PRAC (parallel random access computer), a shared-memory multiprocessor where fetch and store conflicts are disallowed, is proposed...A parallel algorithm, called adaptive bitonic sorting, that runs on a PRAC (parallel random access computer), a shared-memory multiprocessor where fetch and store conflicts are disallowed, is proposed. On a P processors PRAC, the algorithm presented here achieves optimal performance $TP = O(N\log N)$, for any computation time T in the range $\Omega (\log ^2 N) \leqq T \leqq O(N\log N)$. Adaptive bitonic sorting also has a small constant factor, since it performs less than $2N\log N$ comparisons, and only a handful of operations per comparison.Read More