Title: Two‐Dimensional Water Flood and Mudflow Simulation
Abstract:FLO‐2D is a two‐dimensional finite difference model that simulates clear‐water flood hazards, mudflows, and debris flows on alluvial fans and urban floodplains. Interactive flood or mudflow routing be...FLO‐2D is a two‐dimensional finite difference model that simulates clear‐water flood hazards, mudflows, and debris flows on alluvial fans and urban floodplains. Interactive flood or mudflow routing between channel, street, and floodplain flow is performed using a uniform grid system to describe complex floodplain topography. A quadratic rheological model, developed from field and laboratory mudflow data, enables appropriate simulations of flooding conditions ranging from clear water to hyperconcentrated sediment flows. Computer‐aided design (CAD) graphics of predicted time‐sequenced flood depths automates the delineation of flood hazards. Replication of the 1983 Rudd Creek mudflow in Utah demonstrates the capability of the model.Read More