Title: Synthesis of an Enantiopure <i>syn</i>-Benzocyclotrimer through Regio-selective Cyclotrimerization of a Halonorbornene Derivative under Palladium Nanocluster Conditions
Abstract:Abstract An enantiopure syn-benzocyclotrimer 1 was selectively synthesized from an enantiopure halonorbornene 2 through regio-selective cyclotrimerization catalyzed by palladium nanoclusters. The yiel...Abstract An enantiopure syn-benzocyclotrimer 1 was selectively synthesized from an enantiopure halonorbornene 2 through regio-selective cyclotrimerization catalyzed by palladium nanoclusters. The yield of 1 was dependent on the stability of the palladium clusters, which was ascertained from the appearance and TEM images of the reaction mixtures. The thus-prepared enantiopure benzocyclotrimer will serve as a key intermediate for the synthesis of C3v symmetric chiral buckybowls.Read More