Title: Comparative Research on Traditional Advertising and Mobile Phone Advertising
Abstract:Nowadays, the mobile advertising has a prevalent trend when comparing to the traditional advertising methods, for instance, the TV, radio and the Internet.Our research aims to find out how consumers p...Nowadays, the mobile advertising has a prevalent trend when comparing to the traditional advertising methods, for instance, the TV, radio and the Internet.Our research aims to find out how consumers perceive about the traditional and mobile advertising.More precisely, we downsize our project into a more specific one, which is comparison the advertisements of Jing Dong and Suning both from website and mobile phone, because they both have traditional and modern style of advertising.To deeply study influence of the mobile advertising on consumers' preference, we divide them into two categories, electrical equipment and non electrical, so that we could see the advertisements' strategies among different companies.In order to make the comparison more objectives, we also introduce some other renowned websites as parameters.Read More