Title: Two Other Simple Methods to Protect the Tracheal Cuff of a Double-Lumen Tube
Abstract:Coppa and Brodsky (1) described a method to protect the tracheal cuff of a double-lumen tube (DLT) from damage by teeth or by the laryngoscope blade during intubation of the airway. It probably works ...Coppa and Brodsky (1) described a method to protect the tracheal cuff of a double-lumen tube (DLT) from damage by teeth or by the laryngoscope blade during intubation of the airway. It probably works well, but it seems complicated. Erb (2) described a less difficult method to protect the cuff with a well lubricated teethguard and by lubricating the cuffs of the DLT. There are two other methods to protect the tracheal cuff of a DLT that are simple and require no additional material, help, or effort. 1. Increase the curve of the endobronchial part of the DLT with the aid of the stylet included, such as a hockey stick, as for a difficult intubation. Thus, during the laryngoscopy, the DLT is placed in the airway, and the tracheal cuff is inserted inside the mouth without touching the teeth or the laryngoscope blade. All that remains is to intubate. It is easy and works well, without making intubation more difficult. 2. Another method consists of first inserting the DLT until the tracheal cuff is placed inside the mouth, then visualizing the anatomy and intubating after the laryngoscope is inserted. Ghislain Fortier MD Sophie St-Onge MD, FRCP(C) Jean Bussières MD, FRCP(C)Read More