Title: Developmental Toxicity of a Triazole Fungicide: Consideration of Interorgan Communication
Abstract:The article highlighted in this issue is "The Effects of Perinatal Tebuconazole Exposure on Adult Neurological, Immunological, and Reproductive Function in Rats" by V. C. Moser, S. Barone, Jr., R. J. ...The article highlighted in this issue is "The Effects of Perinatal Tebuconazole Exposure on Adult Neurological, Immunological, and Reproductive Function in Rats" by V. C. Moser, S. Barone, Jr., R. J. Smialowicz, M. W. Harris, B. J. Davis, D. Overstreet, M. Mauney, and R. E. Chapin (pp. 339–352).Read More