Title: The Study on Challenges of Teaching Philosophy for Children
Abstract:In recent decades, philosophy and children has been proposed under various titles including Philosophy for Children (P4C), Philosophy with Children (PWC), Philosophy and Children (PAC) in the field of...In recent decades, philosophy and children has been proposed under various titles including Philosophy for Children (P4C), Philosophy with Children (PWC), Philosophy and Children (PAC) in the field of education and philosophy. Given the importance of education for children in contemporary philosophy, this study examines challenges and solutions with respect to the philosophy and teaching philosophy for children. According to the above objective, 30 challenges were identified as the most important of these challenges can be included: the concept of philosophy as a discipline, lack of trained and skilled instructors to teach philosophy to children, breakdown between existing social values and norms,the ambiguous role of the teacher in this kind of education, to use precipitately philosophy for children's education, family's unawareness of education philosophy for children, lack of children's cognitive development to understand abstract concepts of education philosophy programs for children.Read More