Title: On the Removal of Initial Singularity in a Big-Bang Universe in Terms of a Renormalized Theory of Gravitation. II
Abstract:On the basis of the renormalized theory of gravitation proposed in a previous paper, an attempt is made to construct a homogeneous and isotropic expanding model-universe which is free from the initial...On the basis of the renormalized theory of gravitation proposed in a previous paper, an attempt is made to construct a homogeneous and isotropic expanding model-universe which is free from the initial singularity of infinite density and tends asymptotically to the usual Friedmann universe. Numerical integrations of our cosmological equations show that such a model can exist, provided that the temperature at the instant of bounce is not lower than about 1012°K and that temporal behavior of the model before and after the bounce is considerably different from each other. Physical significances of these two criteria are also mentioned in each case in connection with the problems concerning the formation of elementary particles and the past-future symmetry of the universe.Read More