Title: Two new species of Arisubathynella Park and Eun, 2012 (Malacostraca: Syncarida: Parabathynellidae) from South Korea
Abstract:Two new species of the parabathynellid genus ArisubathynellaPark and Eun, 2012 are described from South Korea. Arisubathynella imjinensis sp. nov. is characterized by the presence of two setae (instea...Two new species of the parabathynellid genus ArisubathynellaPark and Eun, 2012 are described from South Korea. Arisubathynella imjinensis sp. nov. is characterized by the presence of two setae (instead of one seta) on the inner margin of the first antennular segment, the plumose seta on the distal antennal segment longer than other simple setae, the male thoracopod VIII with a dental lobe carrying six teeth and with a smooth lower lobe of the exopod, the presence of a ctenidium on the inner margin of the uropodal endopod and the relative length of setae on the uropodal exopod; A. hongcheonensis sp. nov. is outstanding in having six spines on the mandibular spine row, in the presence of only two claws on the fourth endopodal segment of the thoracopod I and in having five teeth on the dental lobe of the male thoracopod VIII. A careful comparison with the single known species, A. cheongmiensisPark and Eun, 2012, enables us to revise the generic diagnosis. The distally 2-lobed epipod of the male thoracopod VIII and the absence of the medial seta on the second maxillar segment suggest a close relationship between the two new species. Based on a 1-segmented exopod on the thoracopod I, a bell-shaped male thoracopod VIII and an uropod with sympod carrying inhomonomous spines, with endopod drawn out into a spur, and with exopod carrying a strong seta on its inner margin, we assume a close relationship between Arisubathynella and NipponbathynellaSchminke, 1973.Read More