Title: Time-resolved spectroscopy using synchrotron infrared pulses
Abstract:Electron synchrotron storage rings, such as the VUV ring at the National Synchrotron Light Source, product short pulses of IR radiation suitable for investigating time-dependent phenomena in a variety...Electron synchrotron storage rings, such as the VUV ring at the National Synchrotron Light Source, product short pulses of IR radiation suitable for investigating time-dependent phenomena in a variety of interesting experimental systems. In contrast to other pulsed sources of IR, the synchrotron produces a continuum spectral output over the entire IR (and beyond), though at power levels typically below those obtained from laser systems. The infrared synchrotron radiation source is therefore well-suited as a probe using standard FTIR spectroscopic techniques. Here we describe the pump-probe spectroscopy facility being established at the NSLS and demonstrate the technique by measuring the photocarrier decay in a semiconductor.Read More