Title: Housing Allowances in Comparative Perspective
Abstract:Housing allowances in context ~ Peter A. Kemp Housing allowances and the restructuring of the Australian welfare state ~ Kath Hulse The New Zealand experience of housing allowances ~ David Thorns Cana...Housing allowances in context ~ Peter A. Kemp Housing allowances and the restructuring of the Australian welfare state ~ Kath Hulse The New Zealand experience of housing allowances ~ David Thorns Canadian housing allowances ~ Marion Steele Housing allowances American style: the Housing Choice Voucher Programme ~ Sandra J. Newman Housing allowances in Britain: a troubled history and uncertain future ~ Peter A. Kemp Housing allowances in France ~ Madhu Satsangi Housing allowances in Germany ~ Stefan Kofner Housing allowances in the Netherlands: the struggle for budgetary controllability ~ Hugo Priemus and Marja Elsinga Housing allowance systems in Sweden ~ Per Ahren Housing allowances in the Czech Republic in comparative perspective ~ Martin Lux and Petr Sunega Housing allowances in the advanced welfare states ~ Peter A. Kemp.Read More