Title: Cultural Consciousness of Chinese Ethnic Minority under the Economic Globalization —Illustrated by the Case of Ethnic Yi in Yunnan
Abstract:Culture is the soul of a nation, and national culture is the sign which distinguishes other ethnics. National culture is the direct reflection of cultural consciousness in real life, and cultural cons...Culture is the soul of a nation, and national culture is the sign which distinguishes other ethnics. National culture is the direct reflection of cultural consciousness in real life, and cultural consciousness is the basic of national culture. The ethnical culture is easy to be impacted by the foreign culture under the rapid development of information globalization in China. As study subjects, 291 people of Shilin Autonomous in Yunnan province answered the questionnaire and investigator also made a random interview among the 291 people. Through the questionnaires and statistical analysis of the EXCEL 2003 and DELPHL method, the conclusion is the following: the ethnic cultural consciousness of Yi people in Shilin Autonomous County is rather weak today in China, the most obvious aspects showed on the ethnical language, folk dancing and costumes, festive culture and so on. At last, this paper suggested that people should protect their own culture under the strong urbanization and economic development. How to protect and develop the culture of the ethnic minority is an urgent matter in China.Read More