Title: Fips, a "deep" linguistic multilingual parser
Abstract:The development of robust "deep" linguistic parsers is known to be a difficult task.Few such systems can claim to satisfy the needs of large-scale NLP applications in terms of robustness, efficiency, ...The development of robust "deep" linguistic parsers is known to be a difficult task.Few such systems can claim to satisfy the needs of large-scale NLP applications in terms of robustness, efficiency, granularity or precision.Adapting such systems to more than one language makes the task even more challenging.This paper describes some of the properties of Fips, a multilingual parsing system that has been for a number of years (and still is) under development at LATL.Based on Chomsky's generative grammar for its grammatical aspects, and on objectoriented (OO) sofware engineering techniques for its implementation, Fips is designed to efficiently parse the four Swiss "national" languages (German, French, Italian and English) to which we also added Spanish and (more recently) Greek.Read More